Smt. Indira Gandhi Govt. Girls College Shivpuri


Smt. Indira Gandhi Govt. Girls College
Shivpuri is the only girl’s college in
Shivpuri district. It came into existence in
1982. Only arts classes were started in the
first batch. Gradually the name and fame
of the college speeded everywhere.
Science and commerce classes were
started later on due to the urgent
demands of the citizens. NSS, NCC
activities, cultural activities and academic
progress of the brilliant student give
shape to the Institute.
The college is named after the name of
Late Smt. Indira Gandhi by the order of
M.P. Government Higher Education
department. F-24/2/03/38 Bhopal Dated
05.04.2003. The namakaran Ceremony
took place later on 22.08.2003
The building of the college is in the heart
of city. It is encircled by greenery and
peaceful surrounding. The building was
known as the grand Hotel during
the Schindia reigned. Later on it was
transferred to the MP State (Formerly
Madhya Bharat State). A Degree level the
following subject are taught -English
literature, Hindi literature, Economics,
Sociology, Home-Science, Pol. Science,
Geography, Commerce and Bio-group
(Botany, Zoology, Chemistry) and Maths
group. (Physics, Chemistry, Maths)
Affiliated to Jiwaji University Gwalior the
college has gained precious academic
achievement, sports & games, NCC, NSS &
youth festivals etc.
The college owes its indebtedness to the
University Grants Commission for
providing financial assistance to the
college for academic as well as infra
structural development.

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