District Shivpuri is divided in 5 divisions (Shivpuri, Pohari,
Kolaras, Karera & Pichore), 8 tehsils (Shivpuri, Pohari,
Kolaras,Badarwas, Karera, Narwar, Pichore & Khaniyadana), 8
blocks (Shivpuri, Pohari, Kolaras, Badarwas, Karera, Narwar,
Pichore & Khaniyadana), 614 panchayats and 1459 villages
( 1409 revenue villages). Out of 1459 villages, 133 are
deserted and 15 forest villages. The district is divided in two
parliamentary constituencies of Gwalior and Guna. The district
has been divided into five assembly constituencies i.e.
Shivpuri, Karera, Pichhore, Kolaras and Pohri.
The administrative pattern of Shivpuri district resembles the
other districts of the State. The Collector is the Chief Revenue
Authority as well as the District Magistrate and he is
responsible for the maintenance of land and other revenue
record, for collection of the revenues on behalf of the
Government and for the maintenance of law and order in the
district. Besides being the chief representative of the
government., he also exercises supervisory control over other
departments in the district. Deputy Collectors, Assistant
Collectors, Tahsildars, and Naib-Tahsildars assist the
Collector. The district as already mentioned is divided into five
tahsils. A tahsil is further divided into Revenues Inspectors (R.
I.) circles and Patwari halkas. At the village level a headman
called Patel looks after the Government interests and also
collects land revenue for which he receives some