Shivpuri Dewas fourline project

GVK Shivpuri Dewas Expressway Private Limited (GSDEPL) is developing the 1329.84 lane km Shivpuri Dewas project in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The project involves four- laning from Km 236.00 to Km 566.45 of Shivpuri Dewas section of NH-3 in the state of Madhya Pradesh on BOT basis. The project is part of the prestigious National Highways Development Project (Phase IV) of NHAI.

The Project road lies on National Highway No.3, one of India's major national highways (commonly referred to as Mumbai-Agra highway) and a vital trade corridor connecting Western and Central India to Northern India. The Project road passes entirely through Madhya Pradesh; carrying predominantly long distance freight traffic and is expected to offer high growth potential for commercial traffic.

The project has a concession period of 30 years including a construction period of 2.5 years.

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